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4 steps to take when your yacht has construction defects

On Behalf of | Jan 2, 2024 | Maritime Ownership

Owning a yacht is a thrilling venture that brings joy and excitement.

However, encountering construction defects can be a bump in the smooth waters of yacht ownership. It is important to address these issues promptly to ensure your vessel remains seaworthy and your investment holds its value.

1. Conduct a thorough inspection

The first step is to conduct a thorough inspection of your yacht. Pay close attention to both the interior and exterior. Look for visible defects such as cracks, leaks or faulty equipment. Ensure you inspect the engine, hull and all essential systems. Take detailed notes and photographs to document any issues you find.

2. Compile a detailed report

Once you complete the inspection, compile a detailed report summarizing your findings. Clearly articulate each defect, providing specific details such as location, size and potential impact on the yacht’s functionality. Use your notes and photographs as supporting evidence.

3. Communicate with the manufacturer or dealer

Next, open a line of communication with the manufacturer or dealer responsible for your yacht’s construction. Clearly present your report, outlining the identified defects and expressing your concerns. Be concise and specific in your communication, avoiding unnecessary details. Request a meeting or written response to address the issues at hand.

4. Explore repair options

After establishing communication with the manufacturer or dealer, discuss potential repair options. Work collaboratively to find practical solutions to address the identified defects. Be open to their suggestions and expertise while advocating for the best interests of your yacht.

With North America leading the global yacht marketing, accounting for a 35% share in 2022, buyers expect the best. Unfortunately, even well-oiled machines can have defects. When that happens, owners have steps they can take to resolve the issue and get back to sailing.